Buying a home can bring out a slough of emotions. It is a big decision, and there are many moving parts that must come together to make it happen. It’s both stressful and rewarding. You have looked forward to this for a long time and dreamed about it since you were a kid. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and make big decisions based on emotion, not logic. Here are several ways to keep your mind on track and keep things in check, so you make the most informed decision possible.

 Home Buying: Don’t Let Your Emotions Control You

1. Choose the Right Realtor

Picking a Realtor because they are your friend, they are nice or will give you a discount, is not the best choice. Ensure that the agent you choose to work with has the knowledge necessary to protect you and get the job done efficiently and…

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Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT)

Part three of our Real Estate Investing Basics series is all about Real Estate Investment Trusts, also known as REITs. Let's dive in and discover what a REIT is, how they are used, and what the pros and cons are in comparison to the other real estate investments we have talked about.

 Real Estate Investing Basics: The ins and outs of REITs.


What is a REIT?

REITs were created by Congress in 1960. This was done to give everyday people the benefits of owning real estate. REITs are companies, treated by the IRS as corporations, who own various types income-producing real estate investments. Investors can buy into these companies by purchasing shares, which in many cases are publicly traded like stocks. They are modeled after mutual funds and bought and sold in…

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