Steve Cinelli is the civil engineer we use when working with our clients because he is the best in the area at what he does! As a civil engineer, Steve draws up designs for new buildings from a structural standpoint, as well as making changes to already existing structures.

Steve Cinelli is known for his cutting edge technology and exemplary service! He is an expert in this industry and we know that we can always count on him to get the job done! Steve Cinelli provides the best quality work for our clients and he helps make Precision Home Group stand out!

We highly recommend using Steve Cinelli for any civil engineering services you might need in the future! If you are looking for a referral, he would be a great person to reach out to. You can contact him at 907-240-0713.

Precision Home Group is based in Anchorage, and provides real estate services to Southcentral Alaska. We will keep you informed on current trends and market dynamics to help you make the best informed decision. If you are interested in purchasing a home, get in touch with our experienced real estate agents! Our team of experts will negotiate great deals for your home and help you navigate the buying or selling process every step of the way. If you are looking to get into a property that makes sense, or need help analyzing a potential property, reach out at 907-302-1011 or email at

Properties in Anchorage

Posted by Matthew Lindsay on


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