There are some small things that can be done prior to marketing your home that really make a difference. Good staging and taking care of minor repairs goes a long way. People want to envision their future in your home, neglected maintenance and excessive clutter can cause unwanted distractions from that process. The tips below include a few things that can be done to help with that process.


Curb appeal

Tidy up the grounds, porches and garage. Keep the lawn trimmed and edged. Make sure that your yard is clean of refuse. Your front door gives a vital first impression. Make sure it is scrubbed clean & painted if necessary. Manage visual landscape to improve curb appeal.


The magic of minimalism

Make the buyer feel at home by minimizing personal statements like unusual colors or heavy odors from pets, tobacco or cooking. Keep all steps clear of hazards. It may be necessary to put items in storage to really slim down the amount of items in your home.


First impressions

Let there be light! Don’t forget to have all light sockets filled with bulbs. Illumination is like a welcome sign.Bathrooms and kitchens help sell homes. Make them sparkle. Add color with fresh flowers and linens. Wash dishes, put away clothes, straighten up newspapers, tighten door handles, railings, etc. Make up the bed with attractive bedspreads and consider carpet cleaning and or wood polish.


Create mental space

Keep pets and children out of the way when showing. Do not discuss anything concerning the sale to customers and let the Realtor discuss price, terms, possession and other factors with the customer. Clean cars in the driveway give good impressions. Neutralize the environment if possible and leave showing to the Realtor.


Staging & scrubbing

Have windows, blinds and curtains sparkling clean. If any decoration is needed, do it now! $20.00 worth of paint may result in a $100.00 price cut (mailbox, kitchen.etc.)


As much as we’d like them to, buyers often can’t see past the little things -- dirt, bad paint, etc. These all detract from what they’re really looking for!



Precision Home Group is based in Anchorage, and provides real estate services to Anchorage, Eagle River, Palmer, Wasilla, and other surrounding areas.  We will keep you informed on current trends and market dynamics to help you make the best informed decision. If you are interested in purchasing a home, get in touch with our experienced real estate agents! Our team of experts will negotiate great deals for your home and help you navigate the buying or selling process every step of the way. If you are looking to get into a property that makes sense, or need help analyzing a potential property, reach out at 907-302-1011 or email at


Properties in Anchorage

Posted by Matthew Lindsay on


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